Saturday, July 23, 2011

With this Ring...

Hi guys!

Don't you just love waking up to a sunny morning?!

So, it sounds like I'm not the only twenty-something that enjoys watching kid shows... Good to know!

Last night Andy picked me up and we headed down to the Jeweler's to choose our wedding bands. As soon as we got there, the jeweler cleaned my ring and reminded me that since my hands are so tiny, my wedding band will have to be a special order.

Ah! I totally forgot about this since Andy was the one who placed the special order for my small engagement ring. He said that we should be okay if we ordered it that night, but we would still be cutting it close with our wedding date coming up quickly! Yikes!

Since I wanted my wedding band to closely match my engagement ring, choosing one was quick and easy because we had a design to base it off of. Andy's ring, however, was harder to choose! First of all, he's not used to jewelry so we didn't know where to start. We knew we wanted a simple band for him--no funky designs or diamonds on it. However, it was still a challenging task that we both enjoyed. After trying on rings, we chose the perfect one and placed the order for both of our bands. Andy's ring just needs to be sized and we should have it soon!

I ended up choosing a thin white gold band with tiny diamonds around it while Andy chose a thick, simple white gold band with subtle details.

I woke up this morning, glanced at my phone and saw that my alarm was about to go off. I laid there for a few minutes before suddenly realizing it was Saturday, not Friday! YES!

Even though I couldn't fall back asleep, the fact that I could ease my way into the day excited me. I've started it off with reading blogs in bed, chatting with Allie on Twitter, and making some breakfast.

On the menu for a sunny summer morning: cinnamon sugar topped toast, cubed watermelon, and a big glass of iced coffee. Hit the spot!

Next up on the list is hitting up the gym, possibly dropping off some library books, stopping at the grocery store for milk, bread, and bananas (you know...the staples!), and then we're off to print our wedding invitations!

I think I'll take it easy at the gym today--doing a quick strength training session (legs, chest, and abs), followed by some low-impact cardio because my calves are still super sore from my workout on Thursday evening. At least being sore from the gym means you're getting stronger!

Do you like simple or elaborate jewelry? 
Favorite way to ease into the day?
What is on your to-do list for this weekend?


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