Friday, May 20, 2011

The Veggie Bucket


The weather has been absolutely gorgeous this whole week--sunny and 70s! I've definitely been taking advantage of some early-morning photography on my deck.

First up, breakfast!

Organic whole wheat + flax toaster waffles with fresh blueberries + kiwi

I've been loving all of the fresh produce at the grocery store lately...definitely a sign that summer is on its way!

My former boss at work (I just switched departments this spring) got me started on a "veggie bucket" trend. I did this last summer all the time but skipped out on it throughout the colder months since the vegetables didn't look very fresh. 

However, this past Monday, all that changed. I present to you my lunch for today:

Peanut butter sandwich, more blueberries + kiwi, apple, string cheese, banana, and cottage cheese. 

Complete with a huge veggie bucket filled to the brim:
  • Baby carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Black olives (healthy fats?)
  • Broccoli
  • Celery
  • Grape tomatoes
  • Green beans
This combo is so fresh and delicious for a snack during the workday! As soon as I pick up my produce from the grocery store, I rinse and chop it all before mixing it and tossing it into a large container in my fridge.

Keeping the farmers in business!

Each day I just refill my "veggie bucket" from the large container. It makes it really easy to eat healthy all week long. I tend to switch things up a bit from week to week depending on what looks good at the store and what is on sale.


Now, not all of that food was my lunch. I am a grazer when it comes to eating and I tend to eat small meals all throughout the day rather than 3 large meals.

Lunch from another day

About 90 percent of the time, I pack my lunch the night before. The exception to this is if I get home really late and am too tired to assemble a lunch.

My typical day of eats looks like this:

  • 6:00am - Breakfast + iced coffee
  • 8:30am - Yogurt + fruit as soon as I get to the office
  • 10:00am - Snack: usually an apple + string cheese
  • 12:30pm - Lunch - soup, sandwich, cheese + crackers, etc.
  • 3:00pm - Snack such as fruit, pretzels, veggies, or popcorn
  • 5:00pm - Usually munch on Clif-Z bar on the way to the gym
  • 6:45pm - Dinner (chicken or fish most nights)
  • 9:00pm - Snack before bed consisting of chocolate milk, protein shake, popcorn, or a granola bar

Sometimes if I'm still hungry during the work day, I will raid my coworkers snack drawers while they are on vacation...

Secret stash

However, most of the time, my lunch box full of goodies keeps me going strong. On the weekends it varies do to different activities and things but I stay pretty consistent with things during the work week. What can I say, I like my routines.

I'm off to work--just a few hours until the weekend! Today should fly by pretty quickly due to a big project that I'm wrapping up and then it is date night with my man tonight! I can't wait!

P.S. This lovely lady is hosting a giveaway for some delicious goods--be sure to check it out!

Do you enjoy kiwi?
What do you like to pack in your lunch?
Do you prefer 3 meals a day or grazing?


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