Good morning! I hope you're have a great Friday so far! Only 8 hours away from the weekend--yeah! Tonight Andy's coming over and then tomorrow will be spent hitting up the gym, cooking, and cleaning like crazy for my party! Ahh!
Mini Asthma Attack
Yesterday I ended up taking an unexpected half day from work--the past few days have had my asthma all riled up and I awoke Thursday morning hardly able to breathe normally. I pushed through the first few hours of work, but when 10:30am hit, I knew I had to go in to get a nebulizer treatment. I had this happen a few years ago (on Halloween, actually) and a neb session is usually the only thing that makes it better.
Catching up on Real Simple while at the appointment
The beast
My peace pipe!
Luckily she sent me home with a new inhaler so hopefully that and some rest will do the trick! This little device helps to open up my lungs so I can get enough air with each breathe--kind of important!
The Friday Five
Remember our fun little game from last week? Here we go again!
1. What I’m Reading:
Still working on the Shack--I have to admit, I'm only a couple chapters in so far! Normally I'm a fast reader, but with all of this wedding and work business going on, I've found myself swamped lately.
A little Laura!
2. What I’m Listening To:
Last weekend I headed over to Andy's house to work on our wedding slideshow. Naturally, I listened to the songs that are in the movie over and over again trying to perfect it. The song that I chose to be played during my "growing up" pictures is What It Means to Be Loved by Mark Schultz (just the second half of the song, though!). However, after chatting with Andy last night, I might be changing it to that "Cinderella" song by Steven Curtis Chapman...any thoughts on this?
3. What I’m Watching:
Still watching season 2 of Grey's! Most nights I watch an episode before bed but end up drifting off to sleep before the episode ends...which means I've been watching the same episode for the past 3 nights...one of these days I'll get through the whole thing!
My all-time favorite flavor
Apple Straws!
Moose Lake Fudge Froyo's best part = mini peanut butter cups
4. What I’m Eating:
Ice cream has definitely been worked into the menu for this week! mmm, so delicious and something I rarely purchase at the grocery store. Other snacks of note include copious amounts of Apple Straws, and various Luna/Clif bars since they're my go-to snack when I'm rushing around.
Check out this neat idea--you slice up one of your wedding invitations, place the strips in a glass ball ornament, and hang it on your tree to symbolize your first Christmas together. How cute!
Photo Challenge Day 2:
What I wore:
(Click here to see yesterday's photo challenge)
I also wore this outfit for Valentine's day this year...my hair looked better on that day though. However, I blow dried and straightened my hair today! I haven't done that in a long time; I kind of forgot I actually had bangs since they've been hidden by headbands. But really, let's face it, my hair will be up in a ponytail by 10am...
Off to the office! Have a super day!
Do you suffer from asthma?
What are you pinning this week?
What song should I use during our slideshow? Also, Andy is having a hard time finding a song to play during his little boy pictures...any ideas?
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