Soy lattes for myself and a coworker. After my early start to the morning on Friday, I was thankful that I made mine a triple! I must say that those little green sticks to put in the drink spout on cups is one of Starbucks' most brilliant ideas ever.
Well, that is after the Pumpkin Spice Latte...which is coming back soon! I think it usually arrives after Labor Day--correct me if I'm wrong!
Another Wedding Weekend
This weekend was jam-packed with wedding festivities! Friday night, Andy and I headed out to look at a potential townhouse. It was okay but the kitchen was set up super awkwardly (the fridge door touched the stove when you opened it...?), and the master bedroom was painted such an obnoxious color.
Luckily, Andy scoped out another place this weekend and we went to view it last night. As soon as we walked in the front door, I was sold! I really, really hope we get this one! It is exactly our style!
Saturday was my first bridal shower, and then on Sunday we met with our musicians to go over ceremony music! I also found my bridesmaids gifts so I can check that off my list as well! Things are really coming together and I am so thankful that Andy has been so helpful with all of this. What a keeper!
Back to Monday
It's hard to believe it's already Monday again! Yikes! I'm sure this week will fly by since it's Andy's birthday week and the start of the fair!
On Saturday morning, before heading to the gym, I checked my mailbox and a huge smile spread across my face when I found these two brightly colored envelopes sitting in my box.
I immediately flipped them over to open them. Check out the cute stickers! haha
Inside were two of the cutest homemade cards ever! My cousins had made them especially for me--with my name and initial on the front!
Melt my heart!
My two cousins mean so much to me and I am so excited to have them in my wedding as flower girls! They are actually my only cousins, so they mean that much more to me! It has been so much fun watching them grow up over the years and spending time with them doing crafts, going to the park, and playing outside. It's funny because now they're the age I was when they were born!
Easy Peasy Mac n' Cheesy
The other day I was stumped about what to make for lunch. I desperately needed groceries (and still do! Hopefully heading over there tomorrow night!) and nothing really sounded good. I opened my fridge and saw that I had a tupperware of cooked pasta from the day before. Hmm...maybe I could make some mac n' cheese. However, that sounded like a lot of work, so I improvised.
I dug around in my fridge until I came across this little gem! Lately I've been loving this cheese on wraps and with crackers--so why not give it a whirl with pasta? I plopped two wedges into a bowl, added a splash of milk, and microwaved it in increments of 10 seconds--stirring each time. I then heated up my pasta, poured the cheese on top and stirred it up! I also added in some fresh basil and olives to jazz it up a bit.
The verdict? It was actually really good! The flavored Laughing Cow Cheese gave it a nice kick and it really hit the spot! I'll definitely be making this again!
While I was home this weekend for my bridal shower, my dad had stopped at a local bagel bakery. Hello, toasted chocolate chip bagels with butter. I forgot how much I love these things! Paired with some fruit and a homemade iced coffee--it was delicious!
Off to work I go! I've got another huge website project to dive into this week--it's for a real estate company, so it should be fun for something different!
By the way, are anyone else's trees turning colors way too early? It's only August and my tree is half red, half green! Not that I'm complaining....
Alright, have a great day!
Are your trees changing colors yet?
How many cousins do you have?
Ever made up a recipe on the spot and loved it?
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