Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday 3's


Time for some Tuesday 3's to start the day.

1. I buy my food in bulk even though I'm currently a family of one. It is cheaper in the long run and I plan my meals carefully to make sure things don't go to waste. Sam's club has been my favorite new obsession this summer. Well, that and watermelon for 4 bucks!

2. This weekend I learned that you should not wait until the day of your engagement photos to go shoe shopping--especially when the mall does not open until 11am and your pictures get moved from 5pm to 2pm due to iffy weather conditions. Luckily I found the perfect pair of white heels after dashing through 5 stores and had enough time to show and get ready.

3. I can't stand having my toes unpainted and 99% of the time, I keep them covered with nail polish--even in the winter. This may or may not be in attempt to cover up some black nails due to running... The fact that I have ugly feet to begin with is besides the point. 

After slacking for the past few weeks in the gym department, today starts my journey back on the healthy train. I keep skipping the gym due to some insane migraine headaches and lack of sleep/energy and my body is definitely feeling it. I feel so much better when I'm on a regular gym schedule--working out actually gives me more energy, so it is time to get back into the groove starting today.

Do you buy things in bulk?
Are your nails usually painted?
Do you skip the gym when you're tired or push through it?


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