Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Super Smoothie

Good morning!

I'm going in to work a little late this morning due to a pesky doctor appointment so that means I have more time to blog! Bonus for you.

Yesterday was a heat beast for the first time this year! I wanted to go swimming last night, but Andy and I decided to go bike-shopping instead. We decided to keep shopping around, but I'm excited to spend a lot of time biking this summer!

I don't know about you, but when the weather gets hot (yesterday was 85 and sunny!), I crave cold, fresh smoothies and popsicles! We won't discuss the fact that I've consumed an entire box of popsicles in the past 7 days, but I will share one of my favorite smoothies with you!

Raspberry-Banana Protein Smoothie! Clever name, I know!

About 90 percent of the time, I add protein powder to my smoothies to give it a little more staying power to get me through the day. You can easily omit this step if you're not a fan.

First up, round up your ingredients:

In the mix, we've got:
  • 3/4 cup frozen raspberries 
  • 1 banana, sliced
  • 1 scoop of protein powder. (I used all-natural Pure Protein because who wants to mix artificial sweeteners with the goodness of fresh fruit?!)
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • Additional raspberries for garnish, optional

Toss all of these delicious items into your blender. My mom gave me a mini blender when I moved into my first apartment a few years ago and it is one of my most-used kitchen gadgets. It's perfect for making single-serve smoothies and plus you don't have to deal with the whole washing the blender chore since it fits in the dishwasher!

I was in a hurry to make this and things got a little messy...but you know what they say, don't cry...yeah, you know the rest...

Give it a few whirls in the blender and viola! A cold, creamy breakfast or snack! 

What are your favorite ingredients to toss into a smoothie?


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