Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sister Date

This post is dedicated to my "big little sister," Andrea.

This photo was taken about 3 years before she passed me up in the height department. My mom liked to dress us in matching outfits and as we got a little older, a lot of people thought we were twins. Don't you just love my bow and super-straight bangs?

Half day at the office + my sister's husband working all day = Sister Date last Friday!

I headed down to my sister's place right after work to enjoy a girl's day of catching up and hanging out. My sister made us a delicious stir-fry for lunch and then we hung out at her kitchen table, chatting while working on starting her blog!

After awhile, we decided to go out and do something fun since we had been cooped up all afternoon.

Andrea tried to convince me to go running in the pouring rain with her, but since I only brought one pair of running shoes for the weekend, we decided to save that adventure for another day.

Therefore, we settled on the next best thing: Mall of America!

My little oreo is peeking out!

Let's face it...the only reason we went there was to make a stop at Freeziac, which is our favorite frozen yogurt shop since they let you create your own concoction.

Freeziac last summer! Rockin' the glasses.

Look how much older and mature my sister looks this time around

While I, on the other hand, somehow look I like got younger...funny how that works. 

Yes, I wore my Monster Dash performance hoodie to work that day and called it professional attire since maybe someday I'll be a pro athlete...

We called Freeziac dinner and then went searching around for some dessert because we walked all the floors of the mall and needed to keep our energy up.

Shortly after visiting the new Microsoft store, we were stopped in our tracks by this little gem:

We went inside to scope it out, but there were way too many screaming children running about, so we kept moving onward.

Soon enough, we stumbled across Wonka's rival. Check out the size of these candies--they put Wonka's everlasting gobstoppers to shame:

As tempting as they were, the price tag on these little cavity circles was $11.00, so we decided to get something else instead. P.S. Don't worry...those gobstoppers were covered in a clear wrapper..we weren't touching them bare-handed. ;-)

I chose a giant Now and Later (remember theses?!), SOUR Smarties, and some saltwater taffies--which some are not pictured because they didn't make it out of the mall.

After the sugar rush, we did a little popcorn sampling at a new popcorn shop, and then went searching for some summer clothes. We didn't have much luck, but we did come across the cutest little Hurley shirt! Andrea got overly excited about this find since her husband LOVES Hurley stuff. :D

Now she just needs to have a little boy so I can be an Auntie!

After the mall, we picked up a birthday gift for her sister-in-law, then squeezed in a quick strength + cardio workout at the gym.

After our workout, we were starving and what better than one of my favorite post-workout snacks?

Peanut butter and banana sandwiches! 

It has been great spending time with my sister now that we are both grown up and have more in common than we did when we were younger. It's funny how siblings tend to get along better once they move out of their parents house.

Do you have siblings? If so, do you get along well?


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