Early yesterday morning, I headed down to the Science Museum for a couple of web design classes. I recently started a new position at my current job that involves a lot more web design than before, so I've been taking some classes here and there. I ran my own web design business in high school but taught myself how to code, so these classes have been helping to fill in the knowledge gaps.
Before heading out, I packed some snacks to get me through the day because let's face it, I can't survive without my snacks. I even have a whole drawer in my desk at work dedicated to them. I've always been more of a constant snacker than a 3 meals per day person...is this normal?
Being the extreme Type A personality that I am, of course I arrived there 45 minutes before the class started. Since no one else arrived for at least another half hour, I took the time to set up my spot and surf the web. :-D
Why do my bananas always seem to disintegrate
from the time I take them out of my fruit bowl to
when I arrive at my destination?
Around noon we broke for lunch, which I was more than excited about since I had this in my possession:
The golden ticket!
I spent my lunch break checking out 3 floors of exhibits and wishing I was 9 years old again like all of the cute little kids around me that were on class field trips.
There was one exhibit that was an interactive activity for kids
to complete, followed by an evaluation station, shown in the
image above. I was tempted to leave a notecard with a snarky
comment on it, but then came across this, and realized it
would be hard to top a comment like this:
I'd like to meet this child.
After that, I ran into this exhibit:
This is what your body looks like from a side
view. This was a preserved portion of an actual
human body! Gross!
My favorite exhibit was a new one that displayed the different
stages of baby/child development.
The afternoon classroom session whizzed by as we discussed more topics in web design and completed layout exercises. I learned a lot and it was a nice change of scenery for a day. Today was a half day at the office due to Good Friday and now I'm at my sister's place...helping her set up a blog!
What are you up to today?
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